Siyu Chen
Siyu CHEN, currently Associate Professor
and Assistant Dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Social Research,
Jinan University, received his PhD in Economics from National University of
Singapore in 2019. Her research areas are labor economics, environmental
economics, finance, applied micro, etc. Her research results have been
published in Review of Economics and Statistics, Nature Mental Health, Journal
of Environmental Economics and Management, Her research results have been
published in Review of Economics and Statistics, Nature Mental Health, Journal
of Environmental Economics and Management, Regional Science and Urban
Economics, Environmental Research, Management World, World Economy, and other
authoritative journals of economics at home and abroad. She is the chair of the
Youth Science Foundation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
She had awarded the first prize of the Sixth Guangdong Provincial Young
Teachers' Teaching Competition, and Excellent Class Teacher of Jinan
Siyu Chen